Einblicke in den Englischunterricht

Interesting insights
On Wednesday, March 9 during the 3rd lesson...
...we went to the big forum with all students of class 6b, because Mrs Höbelmann planned a very nice lesson. The students got microphones and they had to speak a poem in the microphones. This is a very nice way to practice for the speaking test. When we finished, we went back to the classroom and had a lot of fun. (by Lena Herzog)

On Wednesday, March 9 in the 3rd lesson...
...the students of class 6b recorded a poem in English with little microphones. The students did this in the great forum. This was to practice for the speaking test. Everyone liked it and the class 6b wants to do it again sometime. (by Xenia Dill)
On Wednesday, March 9 in the 3rd school lesson, the students of the class 6b recorded a poem in English with the microphones in the great forum.
Every student recorded the poem because this was an exercise for the speaking test on April 1. The microphones were very small. Before recording, we went through the poem and gave each other feedback. The school lesson was very cool and a lot of fun. (by Lina Hotze)

The nice day of the 6b
In the 3rd lesson on March 9, the class 6b recorded a poem in English with microphones. The whole class did this in the great forum.
They recorded the poem and used little microphones for it That was an exercise for the speaking test. The kids had a lot of fun. That was a good experience for the teacher, too. (by Ben Milow)
The day of the class 6b
Last Wednesday, 9 March, the students of the class 6b recorded an English poem with microphones. They went to the great forum for this activity.
So, every student had to record this poem by using little microphones. First, they spoke to a partner, and these partners had to give feedback. Every student spoke the same poem and then they recorded it on the little microphones. It was a good practice for the speaking test which is planned for 1st April. The class said they really had a lot of fun with this exercise. It was a real success and they had a good experience.
Microphones in class
On 9 March 2022, we made a reading warm-up with our class 6b and then we went to the great forum. Everyone in the class got a partner for a vampire poem that we had to read. My partner was Max, we had to read and give each other feedback. Then we got a microphone and recorded how we read the poem. When we were finished, we practiced for the speaking test. Then we walked back to the classroom and we wrote the articles. English is always fun. Goodbye! (by Lanah Fuhrmann)
Zusammenstellung, Fotos: Höbelmann