Cook English and speak English!

My name is Celine and I'm the English assistant this year. I started working in the school in September and I have worked with many different classes and students.
This term I have decided to set up a cooking club in English, where we will speak in English as well as cook English recipes. I will also be available to speaking practice and help in a "Sprechstunde".
You're welcome to improve your English - away from the classroom!
Die geplanten Angebote sind:
für alle Schüler, die Hilfe oder Tipps brauchen (Aussprache, conversation, Präsentation vorbereiten . . .)
Wann? Montags, 7./8. Stunde Bibliothek (ohne Anmeldung)
Cook English and speak English!
Für Interessierte aus den Klassen 8 – 10,
in Kooperation mit Nike Schröder, Jg. 11
Wann? Mittwochs, 7./8. Stunde, Mensa
Anfragen an: Celine, Nike oder Herrn Sitte